I want to encourage you to pray and not faint if the Lord has you in a season of waiting (Luke 18:1). I have cucumber plants in my little front garden, and I couldn't figure out why it was taking so long to produce cukes because I couldn't see them under the vines, primarily because I can't bend over to look. But them my sister came and looked under there and found a whole bag full of very large cucumbers under those vines!
Oh, my friends! God is always growing fruit on His vines because we are rooted in Jesus Christ His Precious Son, the Vine's lifesource; and He says He will bring to fruition and completion what He has started when He chose to give us life in His Son (Eph. 1:1-6; Phil. 1:6; Rom. 8:27-29). We often cannot see even the tiniest fruit but that's when faith in God's Word and promises must kick in and grow roots downward even as it's God's job to grow fruit upward, ever flowing in the powerful Ocean of His grace which ends in the very throne room of the King of the Ages, who is eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, to whom belongs all the honor and power and glory, forever and ever! Amen!
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