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The Freedom to Say, "I've Failed"!

Today is a dreary day outside - it poured all night last night and so far today it's been pouring all day.  On days like today, I tend to think about the past more, for some reason.

But today, as I think about my sinful past, I've been thinking about the truth of the gospel, that Jesus lived a perfect life before the Father, so that I can stand perfect and complete in Him.  I don't have to be bound by  my past failures and sins - Jesus has redeemed me and bought me to Himself.  And  His grace is right now covering all my sin.  Am I saying it doesn't matter how I live, because God will forgive and forget what I do anyhow?  No way!  What I am saying is that my righteousness resides in Jesus, and not in myself.  That motivates me to want to love God and please Him with my life.  I don't have to sit around and feel bad for all the things I've done and said.  I can, instead, ask the Lord to forgive me, turn my back on my sin, and have a restored fellowship with my Creator Lord.

I will never do it all right.  But Jesus did, and I am resting in that today.  To have nothing that I have to hide, or deny doing, or try to forget about is truly freedom.  And I'm so thankful for the gospel that's active in my life today.


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