I'm thanking the Lord today for his amazing grace. Last night, I had a sinful tantrum over some jars of stuff that got broken accidentally on the way in from the car to the house. I knew immediately that it was very stupid (actually the correct word is sinful) to be fuming over something so insignificant in the whole scheme of things. I'm thankful for God's always bringing just the hot water (trials) that bring out the tea in the bag of my heart so I can repent and change. I don't know about you all, but my very first reaction when money is involved in an accident, is to seize up with a fearful, "What if God doesn't provide THIS time?". I am always struck immediately then with the knowledge that, "Yes! He will provide and He's bringing this to show me my lack of trust in Him". That I'll not give into sinful first emotions and act on them is my prayer today. Perfect love definitely casts out fear. When I truly believe that God is t...
Ministering God's Love To Women Who Are Suffering